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Sign up for Budget Billing

Average Monthly Billing (AMP) is an optional utility payment arrangement offered by Acton Municipal Utility District (AMUD).  AMP is designed to smooth out the “peaks and valleys” many customers’ experience in their utility bills caused by weather changes.  AMP is not designed to save or cost you money; it simply averages your bill.  At any given point in time, you may be temporarily ahead or temporarily behind on what you would have paid if you had not participated in AMP verses what you did pay by participating in AMP.  This difference is tracked and must be settled when you terminate your participation in AMP.

The exact amount you pay each month, if you elect to participate in AMP, will vary and depend on your most current 12-month’s billing.  Your AMP amount for water each month is an average of your last 11 months of history plus your current billing.  AMP does not change the rate that you pay or the amount of your consumption from month to month.  It simply allows you to pay less in high usage months by paying more in low usage months.

Your water meter will still be read every month and your actual consumption will still be printed on your bill.  The enrollment window for Average Monthly Billing is limited to the months of October, November, and December of each year.

Qualified Residential customers must have:

□  12 month payment history at their current address

□  current balance must be paid in full

□  no more than 2 late payments in the last 12 months

□  no disconnects

□  no insufficient (NSF) checks

You can download copy of Budget Billing form here.